Complexity of the Indian Education System
List of Must-read books in Education
What does education lead to?
What's education for? Who's a well educated individual?
What education means for a young boy/girl in the hills?
Which is the most urgent area of research for improving the Indian Education System?
How to access research papers behind paywalls?
ProTips for research
How the non-state actors can impact the state driven education system?
Agency of a teacher in the textbook culture
Core challenge of a private low income school
Why education reform efforts don't work?
Policy Analysis: Gender vs Gendering
Why do great policies fail during implementation?
Is policy a legal document? Are states supposed to adhere to the national education policy 2020?
How a policy is impacted by political intervention?
How is a policy made? Example of National Education Policy 2020
Edtech, value through external research partnerships
Edtech, why the focus should be on learning science research?
Why pre-test and post-test aren't the best ways to show edtech impact?